Elk Creek Forest Products

Elk Creek Forest Products is a full-service distribution and remanufacturing business located in McMinnville, Oregon. With extensive experience in a variety of product lines and inventories, and deep knowledge of the regional timber industry, Elk Creek provided the invaluable and unprecedented ability to trace the wood in the PDX Airport's new main terminal from forest to frame. Whether the wood came from the Yakama Nation, the Coquille Indian Tribe, a small family forest, or other, Elk Creek Forest Products collected the lumber from each mill and kept it separated from other lumber.

This is unusual in the timber industry where wood is a commodity meaning all lumber goes into a general pile based on species or size, and no matter what forest it came from or how it was grown, it is labeled and valued the same. There is rarely any differentiation between one 2x4 of Doug-fir and another. But Elk Creek stepped up to the formidable challenge from ZGF Architects and the Port of Portland to keep track of every timber harvest from every family- and Tribally-owned forest, and every shipment from every mill, meaning forest owners can come to the airport and feel proud that their wood is in that ceiling, or that floor, or that concession stand. It's about pride in one's work and price of place in the Pacific Northwest.

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Elk Creek Forest Products Photos